Kahless Quest Respawn time.
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Author:  GM_Dave [ 18 Aug 2014, 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Kahless Quest Respawn time.

Since i've been keep getting PMs lately to help with that quest to spawn the mobs faster, i decided to make this announcement cuz it seems like hardly any1 is aware of the auto respawn times.

The respawn time of all the 3 mobs at kahless quest (Duras + Toral + Ja'Rod) has been reduced to around 4 minutes 10 seconds kinda long ago.

That change made the quest hella fast compared to the 1-2 years old respawn time (all mobs had 50 minutes respawn time), so we won't help to summon the mobs even faster than the actualy 4 minutes.

-1 more thing:

Please stop saying that, the quest is basicly impossible, even with like 30 ppl. That quest can be done with like 16 decent ppl.

But if you try it with like 25-30 naked archers, sins, no armors, no uniques at all, only like an iron bow or shard +5 and on the top of that 50% of ppl only attacking the mobs with R, then don't expect a success. (That's what i've seen so far while watching the quest) Take the times to atleast get a nexus set + some basic unique [Won't really take more than a few minutes] if you wanna go with side characters, and make sure every1 is comobing and the quest will be pretty easy.

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