Staff Suggestion
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Author:  Aggressive [ 16 Apr 2021, 13:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

Complaints about mages disturbing the PK, led to a nerf.

Requesting a buff for mages to make them more resistant on PK is not possible because mages are "meant" to have high damage and low defense.

So they can't make a party mage and they also useless on pk... mages are only useful as bait? pfff lol :mrgreen:

Make mages more melee, stun / ice should have the same rates as leg cut / scream...
at least give those players the chance to play they favorite character and not force them to play Warrior.

Author:  RhizopusOligosporuS [ 16 Apr 2021, 15:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

i just want skill mage 62 (Light Shock) is useful in pk, that skill is only make screen in pc vibrate and didn't give any effect. i tried many server, skill (Light Shock) make a blind in pk. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Anduin [ 19 Apr 2021, 08:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion


no I was not trolling...this time ;)

I think it would be an option to add wep defense to some unused staffs.
Just one wep def per staff.
This way the staff could be switched on for a vs
but it would not be OP in pk.

Any suggestions which staffs could be used?
Elysium, Garp, Hellblood?
Erenion staffs? (same look like the above)
Lupus, Lobo, Lycaon (woodstaffs...)?

Scorching, Oasis, Chaotic - might better keep them with the DD.

Author:  KamisatoShogun [ 21 Apr 2021, 06:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

this is my post i just see the replies right now xd, so... the mage have a big problem in the server, just vs problem, in pk with full prty mages we can tank a full melee party, for example, we always win in 1vs1 prty vs killedby, in pk we can tank and kill, but in vs againts warrior, mages r so weak... we can make vs with bps without malice and its a fair vs, sometimes i win, sometimes bp wins, we can make vs with sins without m20 and its fair, sometimes i win, sometimes i lose, u can ask chucky, sparta, i win them with mage and staf with DD, but the big diff r the HP, sins, bps, mages have around 10-12k hp, fair vs, but, warriors have 15k, and if we use tier staff mages only have 9.8k... 5.2k of hp.. BIG diff... so..

maybe u can make a staff with hp and weapons deff, idk for example.. chaos staff with, spear, axe, sword and club deff with that mages maybe can tank warrior with 11.4k hp, weapons deff and 255 mp.. and maybe, maybe mages will tank a warrior vs... in maxko with my warrior i can beat mages with 7/15k of hp.. but in usko for example i can with my mage i can beat a warrior...

a chaos staff with weapons deff could be the best, but idk, u need to try...

Author:  KamisatoShogun [ 21 Apr 2021, 06:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

btw, yes, alot of mages skills dont have the right efects.. the light shock efect is to blind the enemies.. but in this sever cant use.. stun rate, cold rate is so low.. and thats coz, warriors have 255 elemental resis and almost 500 with fire pot and jew... we make 2.5k of damage to sins but to warrior just 1.4 or less.... u forced us to play with warriors.. and there are people that dont like play with warrior.. like me..

Author:  Anduin [ 21 Apr 2021, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

I see your point

but you didnt answer my question ;)

Author:  KamisatoShogun [ 21 Apr 2021, 08:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

maybe you can use the gold staff.. looks good and.. you can add hp (1000-1200) and weapon deff.. (15-20) and some deff AC (150) like candy or bloody staff

you cant use different staffs for different deff weapons.. i explain..

fire element is the best to make vs coz is the element that make more damage, light have low stun rate and very low damage, and ice make a low damage.. so, to make vs with a warrior u need to be full fire.. so, you cant put spear deff in hellblood and axe deff in other staff with light damage.. coz u cant switch the element (40M to reeskill) and if you just put only spear deff in all staffs the warrior just need change to axe, or sword or club and the mage have disadvantage again, isnt like a shield.. you need to put all weapons deff ( spear, axe, sword and club) in the same staff with the 3 elements damage (fire,ice,light)

you cant only put the weapons deff and dont hp coz is the same that tier staff, nice weapons deff but low hp.. is the same.. u need to make the mages strongers agains warrior.. so, maybe you can use the chaos staf.. add it weapons deffense and ac or maybe make the tier staff different, add hp and change the stats that u need to wear in, just mp and int, dont str and hp..

1.- Chaos staff with weapons deff (spear, axe, sword and club), AC (100-150)
2.- Tier staff, remove dagger deff and arrow deff, increase the spear, axe, sword and club deff to 15 or 20, add hp (800 like normal chaos staff coz u can add color) keep the AC (100) and change the stats requirements from 71 hp, 71 str and 160 int to 160 int and mp (210 for the supports)

i can use my warrior and make vs with a mage and win with 6-7k hp so.. the mages need a big change to make a really fair vs with warriors and with a staff like this the vs againts rogues dont change, the vs with bp change a little they just need to use malice, and the vs againts mages dont change either.

you standardized the jewelry of all races except the rings, you gave the same elemental defenses to everyone but only the warrior is the one that thanks to its elemental potion has almost 500 resistance, that is why the magician has a disadvantage against the warriors not only because of his great difference from hp but also because of his defense and his low damage due to the warrior's elemental resistance

If it is not for the staff the alternative is to make the warriors weaker against the mages lower their elemental resistance, as aggressive said, the mages known for having less defense than the other races but they are also known to be the ones who should do the most damage to others and that is the big flaw against the warriors in this server, the difference btwen hp (15k warrior- 9.8k mages with tier) and the low damage of the mages against warrior (700 per staff and 850 per manes = 1550 per combo and warriors 900per hit and 200 per R= 1100 por combo but the warrior combo its faster than the mage combo so its like 2000 vs 1550).

Author:  KamisatoShogun [ 21 Apr 2021, 09:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

if u make the tier staff like i said, the tier staff gonna be use to make vs againts warriors, chaotic family staff to make vs against rogues (sins), and chaos staff to make vs against mages (coz if u use red u have more hp and more elemental resiss) and against the archers (coz there is not a big differese in the damage per arrow)

and if u change the chaos like i said we maybe gonna use the chaos to make vs warrior, mages and archers and chaotic family agains sins so, as i see.. to make the things more interesting and fun maybe its better change the tier staff like i said and we gonna have differents stafs to make differents vs and dont use just one for the same..

Author:  Aggressive [ 21 Apr 2021, 15:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

BellatrixLestrange wrote:
u forced us to play with warriors.. and there are people that dont like play with warrior.. like me..

Yes! Thank you...

upgrading the Chaos Staff could be also useful for mages in pk.

Author:  Anduin [ 21 May 2021, 07:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Staff Suggestion

patch 1761 added some stats to Mage staffs
- little more DD on Chaotic, Scorching, Oasis
- removed MP requirement on Cahos staff
- added weapon defense on:
Hell Blood (sword + mace)
Garp (Axe + Arrow)
Elysium (Spear)

So now Mages have more options to switch Items situational
and they should have better vs ability.

Lets see how this goes.
If the staff is to might require some adjustments!
But I hope it brings more fun to the Mage class.


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